There is one thing I am sure of. Trevin, Easton, and I are so extremely blessed to have this man in our life. He is such a wonderful dad, companion, and friend. Everyday I wake up feeling like the luckiest girl in the world to be married to such a wonderful person. I can't imagine my life without him! He often refers to himself as the "Daddy Mom" or something like that because he is always doing things for me. Colby is always so willing to help with laundry, take Trevin to preschool, and stays home with the boys when I go to work at night.
(Colby Loves it when I take pictures of him. Can you tell?)
The other night we were sitting around the dinner table and Trevin says, "Daddy, I like you." And it's the truth. Trevin loves his dad so much! Colby is always running around the house with him, wrestling with him, or sitting on the couch watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with him. Trevin loves to go anywhere Colby goes, even if it's just outside to throw out the trash.
To the man I call my eternal companion and the father of my children, Happy Late Father's day! I love you so much! XO
Happy Father's day as well to the person I refer to as "Dad." You are the greatest example to me and I love you with all my heart. I feel blessed to be given such wonderful parents and to be raised in such a wonderful family.
Last weekend we traveled to Nephi to spend some time with our families over Memorial Day. We had so much fun! Saturday and Sunday we spent with the Park Family (I never remember to take my camera so I took some on Kent's Camera) and I will try to post pictures of that later. Trevin made sugar cookies with Grandma Diane and spent lots of time in their backyard with Grandpa Kent seeing his birds.
On Monday, we traveled to the Palisades near Manti to camp for two nights with my family. This is a family tradition over Memorial Day. We spent our time fishing, fishing, fishing, and sometimes eating! Seriously! Hilary's father-in-law has a fishing boat and we LOVED being on the lake fishing.
Trevin spent most of his time riding his little scooter and loved it when someone would ride with him. Grandma was always a good sport!
Just a cool picture in my dad's sunglasses!
Trevin had SO MUCH FUN being on the boat, seeing the fish, and throwing rocks off the boat into the lake! He was so excited when the first fish was caught! Thanks Hilary!
Hilary and her hubby Tim
Colby's brother Jordan is leaving on a mission in July. It was fun to have him come hangout with Landon and to spend some time on the lake as well!
Me Kissing the Lizard we found. Poor guy is missing his tail...
Easton tagged along for the trip as well and was such a good little camper! He loved being outside and wanted to be near all the action!
Trevin by the lake just before throwing his straw in the lake and saying, "Grandpa, where's my straw?"
All of us going out on the lake for some fishing!
After some serious fishing, it was nap time with Grandma on the hammock.
Ok, can you tell I am so excited? It was seriously like my first time really fishing and I caught five (later six) fish! I was having the time of my life and was excited I was beating my sister and husband!
The very boat that I caught the first fish on!
We came back Wednesday morning dirty and tired. Camping is a lot of work (laundry, packing, unpacking) but we had so much fun! Thanks mom and dad for a great trip! We love you guys!
Up next, Trevin visiting Tim's Farm.....