Saturday, April 26, 2008

So Happy....

for the newlyweds Rex and Graycee! Today we had the chance to go see my husbands best friend be married in the temple to a wonderful girl. It has been a while since Colby and I were able to attend the temple and it was good to go and enjoy the spirit. We were able to go to the temple on Wednesday as well when Graycee went for the first time. I missed BUNCO for the third month in a row and so I was a little upset about not being able to go and hangout with friends, but I am glad I went. We are excited to have another married couple that we can hangout with and live so close to. Being married is an awesome thing, but you also need to spend time with friends too! I think we will be spending a lot of time with Rex and Graycee. We have played games with them numerous times while they were dating and we always have the best time together. I have known Rex for a long time and Graycee has become one of my very best friends over the past couple of months!

1 comment:

Haskell Fam said... don't know me, but I am amanda a's friend. I was wondering if you could email that food storage list over to me as well. Sorry this is kind of weird, but I really want to get ours together as well. Thanks