Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Easton's Birth Story

After waiting what seemed like forever, I was induced. I waited patiently all night long for that phone call from the Labor and Delivery nurse to say "Pack your bags and come in." She finally called at around 5:45 am and we were headed to the hospital. An IV was placed and Dr. Lunt arrived to check me. I was still dilated around a 5 and he decided to break my water. Pitocin was started. I started to feel the contractions really strong and decided I might not have a lot of time to get an Epidural.

Dr. Plumb (who used to work in Nephi as a family practice doctor) just happened to be the Anesthesiologist on call that day. He came and placed my epidural. It started to kick in, and I realized only my left leg was numb! Ah, the fear came. I was starting to get nervous and told myself everything was going to be ok.

After Dr. Plumb came in a few more times and pulled the cathetar back a little bit from my back, my right leg slowly became numb as well. I was pain free and feeling much better. About two hours later, the nurse checked me and I was complete.

Dr. Lunt came in and after pushing two times I delivered another healthy baby boy. He was bright eyed and was really alert. Colby cut the cord and immediately I was filled with tears. It's amazing!


Trevin got to meet his little brother for the first time about three hours later through the window of the nursery. He was unsure about what to think but appeared to be pretty excited to see daddy holding a little baby.


Let me mention one funny detail...
Colby's dad watched Trevin all day while my mom, Diane, Colby, and I were at the hospital. When he brought Trevin to see the baby, he had dressed Trevin in Easton's 3-6 month sweat shorts and a 3T Tank Top! I didn't get to see the outfit myself, but I can imagine how funny he looked. They decided to take Trevin to K Mart and buy him a better outfit and bring him back. Oh, how I wished I had gotten a picture of that!

All jokes set aside, we really appreciated all the help from my mom and Colby's parents. My family wasn't able to be there but they were updated often on how things were going. We hope to let them meet Easton sometime soon! My mom just left today and we don't know what to do without her. Trevin keeps asking where Grandma is. We really loved having her here.

We couldn't be happier right now and are loving having Easton be a part of our family. He has been a pretty good boy and has been sleeping fairly well. He hardly ever cries and has the sweetest little face. We just love and adore him so much!

More Pictures to come...


Colby & Brenda said...

Congratulations! He is a beautiful baby. (glad he's a pretty good sleeper so far) keep the pictures coming. we love those!

julee said...

oh kent, that is hilarious!

i'm glad things went well. you amaze me with all the things you are able to do, especially with two little ones.

congrats & enjoy! :)

Stefanie D. said...

Congrats! It makes me more excited...and nervous..for when our little one gets here!