Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Mother of Two Boys

Being a mother is something I always dreamed of becoming and now that I am one, I can't imagine what my life would be like without these two boys in my life. Will I ever have a girl? Maybe, Maybe not. But one things for sure, I am completely happy with the two healthy little boys Heavenly Father has blessed me with. I am completely happy. I love them with all of my heart!
Trevin has become the best big brother and has surprised me at how helpful he is. He is always so concerned about where Easton is, if his "tummy" hurts, and if he pooped his pants (since I am constantly getting after him for pooping his own pants).

Someday, my little boys won't be little anymore! Hard to imagine...

1 comment:

Hills said...

Cute pics sis!! Can't wait to see you Saturday! love you