We had five couples over at our house this weekend. It was a blast! Colby and I miss having nights like this and wish we could hangout with everyone more often.
Rex & Graycee stayed at our house while Kaylee & Justin and Linz & Karson stayed at different places down here. We also had two other couples over as well. We went out to eat and played games all night long on Saturday night. One group of people played Ticket to Ride while another group played Quelf (a game my mom bought us for Christmas). Let's just say they had tons of fun! It was definitely a game for Colby to play!
On Friday night Rex, Graycee, Colby, and me stayed up WAY TOO LATE talking and catching up on old times.
On Sunday everyone left while Colby and I were at church. When we got back to our house, Justin & Kaylee had left a note with all SIX of my Sunday papers saying "I think the newspaper boy turfed it on your driveway and left a few extra papers!" It was so funny! The guys all thought my pantry was awesome! I was pretty shocked when Colby was flaunting all the goods and was actually excited to show them. He doesn't seem to fond of my coupon clipping but this weekend he was pretty proud of his wife when all his friends thought it was cool!
After church we took a little drive out to Sand Hallow. Trevin was so excited to see the water. He only lasted five minutes in the car and slept the whole way. I took this picture because I thought it was so cool to see the red sand, the water, the red mountains, and then the snow peaked mountains behind that. It's almost like two different worlds.
Today, we took our Christmas decorations down including my tree in case any of you noticed it in the first two pictures. Our life has been so crazy and we have not had any time to take things down. I also baked cookies with Trevin, did four loads of laundry, cleaned Trevin's room, and took some pictures for a friend of mine at work. What a day.
Now, it's time to watch the Bachelor!
For the last two days Trevin has slowly been getting sick. Yesterday he threw up, but was still wild as ever with no fever. By last night he had continued to throw up and was not drinking or having any wet diapers. I went to work and Colby took care of Trevin. He continued to throw up throughout the night and wasn't feeling well. He has a fever today and has been sleeping almost all day. He is starting to have wet diapers and drinking a little more, but still looks so miserable. I hate seeing my little boy like this...
To add to the problems, I have been contracting for about two weeks now, but nothing that I felt needed to be addressed. While I was at work last night I was contracting a lot. By the end of the night I was in a lot of pain and decided that maybe it was best to talk to my doctor. This afternoon I talked to him and he suggested I stay home for the night and relax. I am hoping that with a little down time maybe they will stop.
St. George is rainy, cold, and gloomy. Our house is gloomy. I feel like we have so much we need to get accomplished but can't. I am unable to help Colby do a lot of the cleaning and de-junking we were planning on getting done this week. I feel like some days it's just one thing after another.
Hopefully Trevin will start feeling better, my contractions will stop, and Colby can start to enjoy life as well. He has been doing a lot of the "Mommy things" like cleaning up throw up, doing laundry, cleaning the house, and running his business while keeping up with everyday things that arise. I am grateful for my little family. I am grateful we have each other when gloomy days come.
Today is the day for more Spring cleaning at our house. Today, my goal was the garage and Colby's goal is the office. I can't believe how much CRAP we have accumulated over four years of marriage! We need a dumpster sitting outside our garage to load up everything I want to get rid of. If we don't use it, we decided to loose it!
Newspapers overwhelmed me this morning when I started to clean the garage. I am a coupon clipper. Yes, one of those. Since I get so many newspapers every week I decided to save them and recycle them about once a month. Trevin "helped" me load them into the back of the Tahoe and we took them to the recycling bin this morning. I guess I can say I did something good today right?
Another thing marked off my list this morning was the Glucose Tolerance Test every pregnant woman gets the treat of experiencing around 28 weeks. After getting directed a different outpatient lab, drinking the sugary drink, and getting poked twice, I am happy to say that adventure is over!
Since I haven't posted for a while about my savings with my coupons, I thought I should add I spent $43.95 and saved $33.36 last Tuesday at the store. The sales start again tomorrow and I plan to start doing more coupon clipping this year with my neighbor.
Also, we took back Trevin's new bed and bedding. I had a change of heart and realized I didn't like what we bought. Colby has also had a change of heart and wants to make Trevin's bed and dresser. I am so excited! Who knows when that will be completed but I can hope it will be done soon. It's nice to have a handy husband! I only wish I had the skills he does. I would be making frames and things everyday!
Anyway, sorry for the long post! Happy Tuesday!
Since my son is never going to go to bed tonight, I figured I would edit a few more pictures of our trip while I listen to him find every excuse in the book as to why he can't go to sleep.
These next pictures are taken at a place called Xel Ha (Pronounced Shell Ha). It was so much fun! We got to snorkel, travel down a lazy river on tubes, jump off cliffs, take a small bike ride through a little jungle, watch some dolphins, eat tons of ice cream, and relax!
I guess I should add I did NOT participate in the cliff jumping but I did ride the bike and a Hispanic man did not think that was a good idea. As I got on the bike he immediately pointed to me and yelled baby. I said "Yes" and took off down the trail. He started to run after me while I kept going. It was pretty easy and lots of fun!
You could pay extra money and swim with the dolphins. I really, really wanted to do this but it was a little expensive and we didn't have a lot of time left before we had to leave when we finally thought about doing it.

These next pictures are some random pictures from the trip. I still have lots more on my laptop that I have not even looked at yet.
Landon was enjoying a nice drink right before we got ready to leave the hotel. I had to take a quick photo of him...
And then I had to get one of the two of us! Any guesses as to why this photo made me laugh? The drinks were SO good but they stained your entire mouth! I sure do love my little brother! I can't believe how old he is getting!
This last picture I snapped from inside our plane. The ride home was nothing to be remembered other than this picture. The ride was bumpy almost the entire 5 hours and Colby almost threw up. It wasn't just a little bumpy, it was a rock from side to side, heads bopping, people throwing up, kind of ride. Needless to say, I thought I was going to die. Being pregnant and a worry-wart while on that plane was not a good thing for me!
Again, more pictures of the trip to come!
Today Colby left for the post office and left Trevin behind. He wanted to go for a ride so badly. Colby told him if he got dressed and ready then he would take him for a ride when he got back.
It only took Trevin two seconds to run into his room, lay down, and say "Mom, I get dressed!" We got dressed, did his hair, brused his teeth, and put on his shoes in about five minutes. After our little routine was complete he ran into the office to watch for Colby to come home. 
We waited by the window for the longest twenty minutes of Trevin's life. We had to call Colby twice to make sure he knew we were waiting for him.
While we were waiting for Colby, I noticed Trevin's reflection in the mirror. Trevin noticed himself in the window too. This got me thinking about the past year and caused me to reflect on my own life.
I realized 2009 was over and I had not even had a chance to reflect on the year and what goals or changes I wanted to make for myself in 2010.
Do I like the person I see in the reflection? Do I wish I would have accomplished more, been a better person, or enjoyed the little things in life? Am I happy with the way my life is going? Are there things I need to work on, things I could do better at, or things I wish I would have done differently?When Colby got home Trevin was so excited! We drove to the store for simple things and then bought a pizza for dinner. We talked about our life and what goals we had individually, as a family, and things we needed to work on.
2010 brings lots of dreams and anticipation for our little family!
We're back from Mexico and just arrived back into St. George. What a trip it was! I have TONS to post about but lucky for me I get to head to work tonight and tomorrow night!
More to come from Christmas, Mexico, and our wonderful life soon!