Saturday, December 5, 2009

December Daily: Day Five

This morning I awoke to a little boy pulling the covers off me in bed and saying, "C'mon mom. Wake up. Let's make cookies!"


I am not sure why he likes to cook things all the time. Cookies in the morning for breakfast is not what I grew up on or what any mother would suggest for breakfast, but we made cookies anyway.

Colby had bought these pre-cut sugar cookies with this BRIGHT RED frosting to go on top. The frosting stained his little face and covered his fingers. We had the best time making cookies this morning (Colby included).

Another Side Note: Colby also made us awesome French Toast and we ate that first before eating our cookies.

1 comment:

matesen said...

I love your December Daily! Will you come live with me for a month and make me one of these albums? I want cute pictures, thoughtful quotes, and I want to look excellent in every photo!